Why use an Open Educational Resource?
Concerns with using an OER
On-Campus: The Library is located on the lower level of the Humanities building.
Days & Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm
Off-Campus Resources are accessible 24/7 using Portal username & password
Phone: (530) 251-8830
Email: lcclib@lassencollege.edu
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Copyright law grants, by default, "all rights reserved" to authors (or other copyright holders) to protect their claim to a work and profits generated from it.
Open Educational Resources differ because their author has waived some or all copyright protections. But any use of OERs still requires attribution (footnotes). They can take any format, but most are digital. They can be
Used, Distributed, Modified
without asking permission of the creator. A creator only needs to designate their creation open through a Creative Commons designation.
The symbol describes which rights they retain and waive.
OER Evaluation Criteria
Clarity, Comprehensibility, and Readability
Content Accuracy and Technical Accuracy
Adaptability and Modularity
Supplementary Resources
Check the icon by freepik.com – CC-BY 3.0. List adapted from CCCOER Review Guidelines: http://collegeopentextbooks.ning.com/page/review-2
There are many sources for OERs, but here are a few popular sites. (There is often a fair amount of overlap in the materials in these sites.)
OpenStax College has open, peer-reviewed, free e-texts with support materials for instructors. Offers an option to purchase print copies at cost.
OpenStax CNX allows searching and sharing of OER learning modules.