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LCC Library

Research Guides

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The LCC Library provides a safe, respectful and welcoming environment in which the educational community and its works are supported via the delivery of traditional and emerging academic research, tools and methods, and where students are encouraged to explore, discover, investigate and develop research skills for personal, professional and life-long learning.

The LCC Library, being a forum for information and ideas, adheres to the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and its Code of Ethics.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will use information technology tools to locate, retrieve, organize and present information.
  • Students will increase their ability to state a research question, problem or issue.
  • Students will determine information requirements for the research question, problem or issue.
  • Students will use the library's course materials to assist them in their course work.

Administrative Unit Outcomes

  • Students will utilize the Library's resources and services ithat support the student's academic success.
  • Students will profit from an environment that supports and fosters the students' engagement and learning by quality information.
  • Students will utilize e-devices, such as Chromebooks, laptops, and hotspots, for remote learning.

Promoting a Safe & Welcoming Environment

To maintain a safe and welcoming environment for reading, learning, and other activities, the LCC Library requires all users to observe the following guidelines and rules:

  • Be polite and respectful towards other individuals, including all users and staff.
  • To obtain permission from staff before posting/distributing fliers, posters, and similar materials in the Library. 
  • To cover beverages and snack food items; to consumer meals in the Cafe area.
  • To mute cell phones; to keep brief and low-volume conversations.
  • Do not damage, deface, or misuse any resources (books, textbooks, computers, Chromebooks, laptops, calculators, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, furniture).
  • To provide ID if asked when checking out materials.
  • The Library staff are not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.

Proctoring Exams

The LCC Library offers testing services for LCC students taking courses at other institutions.  To schedule an exam time, the LCC student must contact the Library at least 24 hours in advance so that the librarian, who is a faculty member, is available.  To schedule an exam time, the LCC student must contact the LC at least 24 hours in advance so staff are available.  

Career Information

Sources of career information:

Hours: This is only for loaning and returning library resources (textbooks, hotspots, Chromebooks, and more)!

Please call (530) 251-8830 or email 

Extended Hours

Usually, one to two weeks before and during finals week, including a weekend day.


New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Spring Break, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving & its Friday and Christmas. The Library is usually closed on convocation days.


Christina "Tina" Madrid 

(530) 251-8830

Shar Murphy, Librarian

257-6181 x8919